Most Americans think the economy is “rigged,” that a tiny number of people are capturing all the benefits of the economy, and that the basic needs of regular people are being ignored by politicians who only serve their political donors.
Guess what? They’re right.
So how exactly do you rig an economy? You start with the tax code.
In 2017, on a party line vote, Republican politicians rewrote the entire federal tax code.
Millionaires love it. Any questions?

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In 2017, Republican politicians rewrote the entire federal tax code.
Would you vote for their plan? Find out here!

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Why Patriotic Millionaires University?

Our tax code – like every nation’s tax code – specifies who pays the cost of running the country and how various economic activities are rewarded or discouraged. It is the most foundational element of the economy, and any effort to “rig” the economy will begin with the tax code.

In 2017, on a strict party line vote, Republican lawmakers rewrote the entire federal tax code. The NEW REPUBLICAN TAX CODE:

  • Deliberately rigs the economy In favor of the political donor class against the middle class.
  • Transfers more than a trillion dollars from America’s bank account into the pockets of the millionaires, billionaires, CEOs and corporations who fund political campaigns.
  • Gives a significant, permanent advantage to people who make money off investments over those who bring home a paycheck.
  • Provides a financial incentive to corporations to move jobs overseas.
  • Creates an easy new way for wealthy people to game the system.
  • Hands millions of tax free dollars to the children of millionaires.
  • Closes virtually none of the worst tax loopholes (yes, those fund managers are still “getting away with murder”).

We created Patriotic Millionaires University to help our fellow citizens understand exactly how the new Republican tax code permanently and deliberately rigs the US economy in favor of the political donor class against the middle class.

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